The Beginning
1 In the beginning the blog was created.
2 Now the blog was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit hovered.
3 And she said, “Let there be text,” and there was text. 4 She saw that the text was good, and she separated the text from the example. 5 She called the text “Academia as an Extreme Sport,” and the example she called “trashed” And there was a full trashcan, and there was text-the first hour.
6 And she said, “Let there be an expanse between the text to separate text from comment.” 7 So she made the expanse and separated the comment under the expanse from the text above it. And it was so. 8 She called the expanse “comments” for she could not figure out how to edit it otherwise. And there was the ability to comment, and there was text-the second hour.
9 And she said, “Let the image under the text be gathered to one place, and let an appealing image appear.” And it was so. 10 She called the image “default” and the gathered image she called “a template.” And she saw that it was good.
11 Then she said, “Let the author produce words: properly punctuated and grammatically correct sentences forming a coherant whole, largely commenting on the learning experience at a well-respected public university.” And it was so. 12 The author produced words: properly punctuated and grammatically correct sentences forming a coherant whole, largely commenting on the learning experience at a well-respected public university. And she saw that it was good. 13 And there was the ability to comment, and there was text-the third hour.
14 And she said, “Let there be words in the expanse of the body to separate the blog from the LiveJournal, and let them serve as signs that indicate this is a course requirement that has been taken a step further, 15 and let them be words in the expanse of the text to give light on the motivation.” And it was so. 16 She made two great blogs-the greater text to govern the day and the lesser text to govern the night. She also made a personal GreyMatter blog, but couldn’t get the RSS feed to work. 17 She set them in the expanse of her website to give light on the motivation, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And she saw that it was good. 19 And there was the ability to comment, and there was text-the fourth hour.
20 And she said, “Let the Miscellanea teem with living creatures, and let links lie to the side next to the expanse of the text.” 21 So she created the great links of the Miscellanea, the blogs with which the internet teems, according to their kinds, And she saw that it was good. 22 She blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the internet with intelligence and bring me humour during the day.” 23 And there was the ability to comment, and there was text-the fifth hour.
24 And she said, “Let the categories produce a way of filing according to their kinds: CHID 370, the cultural impact of information technology, CHID 390, the interpretation of texts and culture, MHE 401, the history of medicine, Statistics 220, basic statistics, and more to come, each according to its kind.” And it was so. 25 She made the categories according to their kinds. And she saw that it was good.
26. She saw all that she had made, and it was very good. And there was the ability to comment, and there was text-the sixth hour.
27. Thus the blog was completed in all its vast array.
28. By the seventh hour she had finished the work she had been doing; so on the seventh hour she rested from all her work. 3 And she blessed the seventh hour and made it holy, because on it she rested from all the work of creating that she had done.
I ended up nuking comments thanks to spambots… but I wanted to save these two, largely because my ego demanded it.
Grant said:
Wonderful. Simply wonderful.
Deb said:
Kelly. You are my personal hero. This was the best thing to read first thing in the AM at work.