What, did you think no one would notice, CDC?
Did you think no one would oh, I dunno, save the image?
Eight days ago, the CDC used this infographic in a Vital Signs post about women and alcohol:
A closer view of the top part of the image:
You don’t have to take my word for it, as it was the outrage heard ’round the feminist internet:
- Protect Your Womb From the Devil Drink
- Women who aren’t on birth control shouldn’t drink alcohol, CDC says
- 12 Interesting Reactions to the CDC’S New Alcohol Guidelines for Women
- Women Blast CDC’s Advice To Use Birth Control If Drinking Alcohol
- The CDC’s New Infographic About Women And Drinking Is Totally Wild
Today, that same Vital Signs post has this infographic:
And to further add insult to injury, they’re trying to pretend that this is the way it always was. See, the CDC actually has a little count down at the bottom of the page that’s supposed to change when they update things, and yet,…
Click here to see the full image, including day/time stamp, if you want proof I took it today. Or just look at their website. Tomato, tohmahto.
Edited to add: And Jess Beasley offers this wonderful point:
@rocza Of course, now it looks like that bearded dude might wind up unintentionally pregnant if he drinks
— Jess Beasley (@thornmallow) February 10, 2016
3:05 pm Addendum: Apparently when BuzzFeed calls, CDC listens, blanches, and then takes down the offending graphic. …proving that yet again, the CDC does not understand that the internet is forever.
Maybe in the next version, the women in the top panel could be looking up. Like the guy.